5 Awesome and Unexpected Things They Don’t Tell You as a New Mom

Model: Patricia Iturriaga, Picture by : Marcela Rodarte 

In the middle of any pregnancy journey, it’s impossible to claim to be an expert on motherhood and parenting because those terms are saved for the woman who have earned their stripes. The women who have watched their lives go from the familiar to the unfamiliar – caring for a stranger, one they’ve just met. But one they love. The women who have experienced growing the future generation and the magic of carrying new life.

If you are pregnant or well on your way to getting pregnant, motherhood and parenting is a journey just on the cusp of beginning. The moment the two blue lines or plus sign illuminates on a pregnancy or blood test, no matter the reaction, there’s no denying that your life is about to change forever. In one swift moment, your life before pregnancy ends and something new, unknown and exciting begins.

There’s no denying that transition can be challenging because it happens in a single moment. There is no feeling in the world like seeing the positive sign on the pregnancy test. You go from someone to someone’s mom.

As the gravity and excitement of the moment sets in, the thoughts of cute clothes and all the essential items pile up. One fashion brand that new moms can get behind is Classic Childhood, the go to online store for European style fashion for children made in Austin, Texas. The company’s core mission is to be sustainable contribute to the environment and community.

As a mom, it is important to find pieces that are smart and sustainable like the products offered at Classic Childhood because little ones grow so quickly. Classic Childhood rescues gently used men's shirts and turns them into their signature bubble rompers, so that these shirts are passed down to future generations. The company has partnered with its community of neighbors in Austin to rescue men’s dress shirts before they end up in the landfill. This is a company any new mom can get behind.

Being pregnant has some incredible moments, but there are five unexpected things they don’t always tell you as a new mom.

1. The baby is your little secret.

While everyone is different, many women wait until the first trimester is over before sharing the news on social media and a giveaway baby bump pops out (and it really does “pop” as they say. One day only you can tell there’s something going on, and the next, your little one is announcing their presence to everyone). In those early weeks, only a select group of people know about your baby. It’s such a fun secret to know your body is going through an incredible change that no one can see yet. It is fun to be at work, chatting with coworkers or going shopping with friends, while none of them know about the little baby growing inside. It’s your little secret!

 2.Get to know your baby before anyone else.

A big part of the transformation into motherhood is giving up bodily autonomy and surrendering the things you used to control as the little one that wiggles just below your heart develops and grows. But along with that, as the baby’s mother and the one who goes through the transformation, you get to know your baby before anyone else. Your little one is listening to you heart, the blood rush in your veins and your voice. That baby is getting to know you first, just as you are picking up traits about them too.

 3. Nesting and getting ready for the baby.

“Nesting” is what a mama bird does to prepare for her little chicks, and for us, it is the hormonal reaction to get ready for baby. While we don’t collect sticks to build a literal nest, this is one of the best parts of being pregnant because it makes the upcoming arrival of your little one feel more real with tangible items in your home. The task around the house that has lingered for months or years? Now is the time to get those things done. And you don’t have to do any of the heavy lifting to get ready.

Get Inspired:

Nursery room, Classic Childhood blog post baby

Picture by Belen Sanchez (mommy of three girls)

Awesome wallpaper:

nursery room decor wallpaper, Classic Childhood Blog post Children fine clothes

Picture by Natalia O'Brien (mommy of two boys and one girl)

Princess Theme

Nursery room, blog post Classic Childhood Children's fine clothes

Picture by Bea Delgado (mommy of two girls and one boy)

Decorating the nursery and purchasing outfits can fill many hours as you dream about your live in baby doll. Classic Childhood offers a sustainable pillow that has been designed for the modern mom. It’s simple cut and design makes it a perfect decorative element for your nursery. The fabric is soft and the embroidered initial creates a unique combination – perfect for your little one. The pillow is part of the sustainable collection as it is stuffed with remnant bamboo fabric donated by local Austin, Texas partner, Stitch Texas, which makes the pillow more resistant to wash and dry cycles – an important feature because the laundry machine is always running in a home with a new baby!

Classic Childhood also offers upcycled men’s shirts and transforms them into sweet rompers. The brand offers smart choices for a growing baby with reversible bloomers and rompers or dresses that transform into tunics and blouses as baby grows. Classic Childhood specializes in classic styles that are dressy and comfortable – perfect for holidays or debuting your baby at a friend’s wedding. With the apparel from Classic Childhood, your baby will look as cute as a button in a garment that will continue to grow with them.

 4. Connections with other women who have been in your shoes.

One of the most special and unexpected parts of pregnancy are the connections you make with other women. It is human nature to seek the advice of women who have had babies. They recount tales of unspeakable joy and the love for their babies, while sprinkling in doses of reality and humor.   

 The Classic Childhood Heirloom Collection is the perfect way to share the joy and excitement of the newest addition with your family too. The Heirloom Collection offers an emotional connection with past and future generations because a romper is made from a man’s shirt. You have the option of customizing an order to ensure the romper is made out of one of grandpa’s old work shirts – a tangible representation of the old made into something new.

5. A pregnant woman is pure magic.

Number one, you are growing the future generation. How magical is that? Never forget how powerful the female body truly is. Others recognize the magic too and strangers will pause and smile when they see you. In our busy world, this pause is a rarity.

The journey into motherhood is just beginning during pregnancy, and while there are many unknowns, it is a beautiful rite of passage. And pregnant women are true magic.



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